
Finally Discovered and Revealed: Reason #1 why the people of this small island in Polynesia have never recorded a case of type 2 diabetes in over 2,000 years.

Does a small, remote island in Polynesia according to scientists, it may help reverse type 2 diabetes?

That sounds like a lie.

But it's absolutely true!

On this remote island, people in their 70s, 80s and even 90s have never suffered a single sickness in their entire history.

So how is this possible?

Why don't these elderly natives of this tribe suffer from any sickness, let alone high blood sugar levels?

New research shows that it could all be thanks to the lifestyle and diet made up of ingredients native to this island.

An ingredient in this diet that, according to scientists, it may help reverse Type 2 Diabetes…

…and keeping you healthy well into old age (we'll talk more about this Polynesian diet in a moment).

The best part?

The ingredients for this diet are being grown right here in the USA.

Could this discovery be the turning point in American public health and the definitive fight against type 2 diabetes?

Well, just ask some of the thousands of ordinary Americans across the country who found this page before you did...

And who are now using this diet to reverse Type 2 Diabetes!

My name is Mark William.

I'm 61 years old and I earned a Ph.D. in angiology from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

During the pandemic, I lived in the Polynesian islands from 2020 to 2021, where I discovered this secret that I'm about to share with you.

Two days before the pandemic, I was invited to give a lecture on the Polynesian islands.

And as it was a short trip, I only bought a few francs for a week and, out of the blue, the lockdowns happened, the airports closed and we could no longer return home.

I was desperate because we were very limited and had no prospect of returning.

We were completely dependent on the generosity of the locals.

The quarantine turned that small town with its bustling streets into a ghostly silence.

It was against this backdrop that I was offered a job at the clinic where my friend worked, an opportunity not only to survive, but also to serve the community.

During this critical period. Adapting to the new language and culture was a challenge, but I soon began to notice interesting patterns in patient care.

Many elderly patients who underwent blood tests at the clinic didn't have any kind of disease or pathology.

Nor did they have the typical high blood sugar problems, which was unusual considering the global statistics.

This low percentage of blood sugar problems among the local elderly population aroused my curiosity.

I began to investigate, trying to understand what made this population different.

As the months passed and the airports closed, my family and I adapted to this new reality.

During this period, I delved deeper into my research and discussions with colleagues about the possible causes of this peculiarity in the health of the local elderly.

While I was exploring the secrets of longevity in Polynesia, I received some devastating news.

My daughter, after the birth of her second child, faced a battle with type 2 diabetes.

She had adopted all the standard measures to control the disease...

Constant glucose monitoring, a strictly balanced diet, regular medication and carefully planned physical exercise.

Her life revolved around the glucose meter, every meal, every activity calculated in the hope of keeping this disease under control.

Despite her tireless dedication, my daughter's glucose levels remained a rollercoaster.

She joined support groups, sought advice from online communities and followed all medical advice to the letter.

She changed her medication several times, trusting that the next prescription would be the solution.

But the improvement was always temporary, the control of her blood sugar always illusory. The reality of her daily struggle hit me like a brutal blow.

She was urgently hospitalized, and I rushed to New York, hopeful but scared. After a brief improvement and discharge from hospital, the unimaginable happened.

My daughter suffered a sudden heart attack in her own home...

A victim of the very disease she had been trying to control with all her might.

She passed away, leaving her husband, two children and a huge void in our hearts.

On that tragic day, after the sudden loss of my daughter, I found myself facing one of the most difficult moments of my life.

Tears blurred my vision.

I saw my youngest grandson in his crib, crying, a baby who still didn't know what had happened.

Looking at him there, so small and helpless, without his mother to cradle him in her arms, I felt a mixture of sadness and immense responsibility.

The innocence of her crying for her mother who wasn't coming back made me cry even more.

This painful turning point in my life marked the beginning of a new mission.

I share this story not only to express the pain and loss, but to emphasize the seriousness and urgency of dealing with type 2 diabetes.

The journey I embarked on, from mourning to searching for answers, reflects my determination to find a solution that was 100% effective.

Seeing my grandchildren crying for their mother made my determination stronger.

I promised myself that I would do everything in my power to prevent other families from going through the same suffering.

This commitment took me back to Polynesia.

During my stay there, I took the opportunity to visit some clinics and talk to endocrinologists about type 2 diabetes management.

I was determined to understand why Polynesians didn't register a case of this disease.

In these conversations, I heard various perspectives, but one in particular caught my attention.

It came from an experienced doctor called Eric Mahuta, a 78-year-old man who simply opened my eyes about the treatment of this disease.

He revealed secrets about the health and longevity of Polynesians...

Showing that factors such as weight, exercise, stress or anxiety were not the main determinants of blood glucose control.

He explained to me that healthy habits and physical exercise, although important, are only temporary solutions for controlling hypoglycemia.

The real problem lay in something much deeper and overlooked.

This revelation completely changed my understanding of type II diabetes and led me to develop a method that not only supports healthy glucose levels in the short term, but also offers long term benefits for supporting healthy blood sugar levels when combined with diet and exercise

Current treatments for type 2 diabetes are like trying to cover the sun with a sieve.

Dr. Eric Mahuta explained to me that the real villain behind type 2 diabetes is a “spongy bacteria” that absorbs all the insulin in your body.

This bacterium called “Staphylococcus” is, without a shadow of a doubt, the definitive cause of type 2 diabetes.

It turns out that this bacterium is like an “insulin sponge”.

Basically, every time the pancreas starts producing insulin...

This bacterium ends up “sucking” that insulin.

And this is very dangerous.

Because without insulin, the bloodstream is completely unprotected!

And that's why most people suffering from type 2 diabetes can't control their blood sugar...

...even cutting out sweets, carbohydrates and exercising.

But do you know what's most interesting?

This bacterium doesn't just absorb insulin from the pancreas.

It can also absorb insulin as a medicine.

So, if you're in the habit of taking insulin...

But rarely notice an improvement in your blood sugar?

This is further proof that this bacterium is the real culprit behind your type 2 diabetes.

In my mind...

Everything Dr. Eric Mahuta said made a lot of sense.

After all, think about it...

Type 2 diabetes has been around for decades...

And for years, scientists have been searching for a solution to this disease...

But no one has ever found anything that really works for everyone.

But if you look...

All the studies done to date on type 2 diabetes only look at the pancreas and the liver.

No one has ever looked at the gut, where this superbug is actually stored...

...even though it's common knowledge that the gut is the second most important organ in our body.

In other words, once you eliminate this “spongy bacteria” from your body...

The insulin that your pancreas produces will start to enter your bloodstream...

Which will drastically lower your glucose levels...

Leading to the reversal of type 2 diabetes!

It was then that Dr. Eric Mahuta showed me that this was the great secret of that small Polynesian island.

He told me that during all those years of living on and serving the residents of that small island...

What he discovered was common among all of them was the absence of this superbug in their bodies.

And it was only later that he discovered why...

This is because Polynesians follow a different and unique diet and lifestyle compared to the rest of the world.

And it's this uniqueness that makes them so resilient.

Polynesians consume specific foods and substances that strengthen their bodies, making them almost immune to various diseases...

Including this superbug and, consequently, type 2 diabetes.

At that moment, several questions arose within me...

How could the secret to reversing type 2 diabetes be hidden on that little island? Right under my nose!

If I had discovered it earlier, I could have saved my daughter's life...

Immediately I was seized by an almost heroic determination.

In honor of my daughter's memory, I was willing to change the lives of thousands of people suffering from this cursed disease.

Together with Dr. Eric Mahuta, we spent more than 6 months searching for exactly which ingredients and substances made the inhabitants of that island completely immune to type 2 diabetes and other diseases.

My research focused on vitamins, natural antioxidants, herbs and other beneficial compounds common in the diet of Polynesians, especially those over 50.

I identified nutrients that directly improve blood circulation, insulin resistance and the body's diuretic properties.

And you're about to discover a unique treatment, a really effective solution that I've developed after extensive research and numerous experiments.

This treatment has already helped thousands of people around the world and has the potential to transform your life too.

This method isn't just another empty promise, it's a practical, proven solution inspired by the diet and lifestyle of Polynesians.

It uses natural ingredients and strategies that strengthen the body from the inside out, making it resistant to bacteria and toxins.

You'll be amazed at how this method will change your life forever.

The treatment is surprisingly simple and easy to follow. It doesn't require drastic changes or huge efforts, just following the plan step by step for a few days.

Unlike traditional medicines, this natural multivitamin represents a revolution in type 2 diabetes treatment.

While conventional drugs require continuous administration and offer only temporary relief, this multivitamin works differently.

Its focus is on eliminating the superbugs responsible for blood sugar imbalance and its long-lasting effects regulate blood glucose more consistently than insulin can offer.

By eliminating these resistant bacteria and stopping the production of their harmful toxins, blood sugar balance is restored.

This multivitamin is a complete solution.

It eliminates these superbacteria, normalizes blood sugar levels, reverses the side effects of conventional medications and strengthens your body.

Made up of simple, natural ingredients, each selected for its specific function, the treatment requires just one daily dose before lunch.

The best results appear in 15 days and, with just 8 days, you will already have visible results.

These ingredients are extremely difficult to find outside that small Polynesian island and there is a high cost to transport them.

Knowing this, I started looking for a laboratory in the United States that could extract all the nutrients from those foods and ingredients typical of that island...

With the aim of bringing these extracts here to the United States.

We partnered with a laboratory with state-of-the-art, FDA-approved and GMP-certified facilities, under the most sterile, rigorous and precise standards.

And all this powerful formula of different ingredients and vitamins has been transformed into a tasty oil.

And it is with great pride that I want to introduce you to INSUTRIL.


INSUTRIL is the only formula that concentrates the extract of blood sugar supporting ingredients and vitamins in the ideal dosage for you!

In the first 2 weeks of using INSUTRIL, the first thing you'll notice is your blood sugar getting lower and lower...

Even if you don't try very hard!

Many people report that even if they don't follow the diet to the letter and even if they don't do any physical activity...

Just by taking this formula, their blood sugar has already dropped — within the first few weeks!

This is because this is the period when the formula starts to act in your intestines.

And as this “cleansing” is carried out, your body will start to see the benefits…

What's more...

All this will happen naturally in the first two weeks...

And as the days go by...

And when you've completed the first 6 weeks of use, it's very likely that when you see your doctor...

The news you'll get is that your your condition may be reversed!

At least, that's what happened to most people who started taking INSUTRIL.

And the best part is that you won't need to change anything about your routine or diet...

In fact, your only job will be to drip 2 drops of this oil into your water and take it an hour before bed...

And then let all the ingredients work overnight while you sleep...

You see, this formula isn't just a random mix of ingredients.

It is crucial that each ingredient is properly dosed and consumed in the correct quantities.

If it's in the wrong amount, it won't have any effect...

But as in this case I've calculated and informed the suppliers of the right combination, you won't run that risk...

Just a few drops is enough to eliminate the super bacteria from your gut, and let our formula do all the work for you!

Around 87% of our customers get blood sugar support using INSUTRIL.

INSUTRIL is the only clinically tested and approved formula that really may reverse type 2 diabetes!

And now I ask you...

Can you imagine what your life will be like when you get results like this?!

When you wake up, look at your glucose meter and it's below 100ml.

Being able to go out to restaurants, celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas...

....and eat whatever you want without worrying?

And look, I guarantee that you'll achieve these results even faster than those people.

Do you know why?

Because those people got those results ONLY with the first INSUTRIL formula...

However, over time we decided to improve this formula even further and added 2 other components that will bring you even faster results.

And look...

I confess I'm very excited to see your before and after...

And who knows, maybe your report after using this revolutionary formula that is available for the first time in the United States!

And I'm going to give you the opportunity to try INSUTRIL now!

At this point, I imagine you're asking:

“Okay, but how much will INSUTRIL cost?!”

And honestly...

I guarantee it's WAY less than you've already spent on all those drugs full of side effects...

But that's the wrong question to ask now.

The right question to ask is: How much is it worth to you to live a life without type 2 diabetes?

And you'll have many years of life to enjoy with your family and the people you love.

Not to mention the savings you'll make...

You'll no longer have to go to hospital frequently, pricking your finger every hour, and you'll no longer have to worry about every speck of food you eat...

That would be amazing, wouldn't it?

And look, I've just shown you that it's possible.

All you need to do is remove the bacteria that's causing your type 2 diabetes...

INSUTRIL is the only 100% natural formula that can fight this bacteria and reverse type 2 diabetes once and for all.

And that's why I want to make things easier for you today...

Because uncontrolled type 2 diabetes will lead you down four dark paths.

But if you've been here until now, it's because you've shown me that you really want to get rid of diabetes type 2...

And for that, I'm going to give you a discount that will never be repeated...

And this discount will only be available on this page, for those who take advantage of it now...

So here's the deal...

You can secure your bottle of INSUTRIL for just $69 in cash!

And there's more...

As this formula comes straight from Polynesia...

It takes a long time to arrive!

Our estimate is that once this stock runs out, the next one will take between 3 and 6 months to arrive here in the United States.

And since a lot of people buy 3, 6, sometimes even 10 bottles at the same time...

I wouldn't be surprised if the current stock runs out today!

That's why...

My team and I have created an even bigger discount for you.

You see:

The more bottles you take... the more discount you get!

If you choose the 6-month supply, you'll only pay $49 per bottle...

In other words, you'll get a discount of $120 ($10 off each bottle) and guarantee that you will get the blood sugar support you need.

1 Bottle

1-month supply

6 Bottles

6-months supply

$ 294
add to cart

3 Bottles

3-months supply

$ 177
add to cart

Amazing... right?

This will be the lowest possible price for your bottle of INSUTRIL in history.

I always recommend that people choose the 6-month treatment...

Because as well as guaranteeing your stock, you also get better results for your body...

That's because one of INSUTRIL's main actions is that it populates your gut with good bacteria...

And when this happens, one of the many benefits you get is a faster metabolism!

So the longer you use it, the more you'll lose weight...

What's more...

These bacteria also influence the health of your skin, heart, liver and many other organs!

That's why people who use INSUTRIL for at least 6 months report not only reversing their type 2 diabetes...

They also claim to have lost weight, lost fat in their liver, improved their heart health...

And they say they have a healthier life as a whole!

At this point...

All you have to do is choose your kit and click on the button below now...

1 Bottle

1-month supply

6 Bottles

6-months supply

$ 294
add to cart

3 Bottles

3-months supply

$ 177
add to cart

All the active ingredients in our multivitamin formula have won awards from renowned laboratories and health institutions.

And on top of all these studies and scientific evidence...

And they also reported that they were feeling more refreshed, with more energy and disposition...

So the chances of INSUTRIL not working for you...

Are practically zero!

But we want to prove it to you!

That's why we've decided to do something new.

No matter which kit you choose...

Guaranteeing your INSUTRIL today...


You'll also be getting an extended 180-day guarantee.

That means:

You have 180 days to use INSUTRIL at will and for as long as you like.

If you don't reverse your type 2 diabetes or feel better after using our formula...

We will promptly refund every penny of your investment.

Do you realize that there are no risks here?

Either INSUTRIL works for you...

Or we'll refund every penny you've invested.

No small words.

So don't waste any time!

Select your kit now and place your order before it's too late!

You don't have another chance...

There's no other chance...

It's now OR never!

Remember, you have 180 full days, a whole year to try it out, risk-free.

That's why this is one of the easiest decisions of your life.

It's time to act now for your health and start transforming your life.

At this point, you only have 2 choices...

The first is to stay on the path you're on.

Watching diabetes type 2 steal your life.

Taking away your independence...

Taking away the pleasure of eating a good meal...

And filling your mind and heart with anguish for fear of what might happen in the future.

If you choose to follow this path...

The future is uncertain for you.

The risks of heart attacks and strokes increase with each passing day...

Your energy levels deplete, one month after another...

Your eyesight can suddenly worsen and even recognizing your family members becomes an increasingly difficult task for you...

Not to mention the effects on your brain and the risk of lethal diseases due to weakened immunity...

And if you resist all this...

You'll be lucky to still have all your limbs in a few years' time.

I know it's hard to hear...

But it's reality...

...and you know it!

Living with diabetes type 2 is living on the edge of life...

Depriving yourself of everything...

And scared to death of what might happen at any moment.

If you choose to follow this path...

...ok, that's your choice!

But it doesn't have to be that way.


You can choose to start this week with INSUTRIL.

This is the best path to a happy and blessed life.

A life where you are free from high blood sugar levels, free from complications, low energy and worries about food.

And all you have to do is choose your supplementation below.

1 Bottle

1-month supply

6 Bottles

6-months supply

$ 294
add to cart

3 Bottles

3-months supply

$ 177
add to cart

Thousands of other people have transformed their lives with INSUTRIL.

Now it's your turn, just click below, fill in your details and take the first step towards a better and hopeful future.

Just choose what's best for you.

I know you're an intelligent person...

And you know the smartest decision to make here.

I hope from the bottom of my heart that you do what's right for you and your life!

See you soon!

1 Bottle

1-month supply

6 Bottles

6-months supply

$ 294
add to cart

3 Bottles

3-months supply

$ 177
add to cart
Full Label Insutril